Riceviamo, da
Flavio Pajer, il nuovo numero di
EREnews (vol. XIII, 2015, 2, 1-32), la newsletter dedicata all’educazione religiosa in Europa (European Religious Education) che contiene news, documenti, eventi e bibliografia sulla gestione del religioso nello spazio pubblico educativo e accademico del nostro continente.
Che da qui puoi
scaricare liberamente.
The aim of EREnews, quarterly multilingual electronic newsletter, is to friendly inform about facts, events, publications related to the religion/s managing in the public educational and academic space in Europe.
News are authenticated only by their source; abstracts are on responsibility of their Authors.
Our readers belong to different European linguistic areas: therefore news and abstracts are mentioned, whenever possible, in their original language.
Subscribers may suggest links of important events or publications in their own countries.
EREnews is also freely available on numerous specialized websites.
Everybody is free to subscribe or cancel at any moment just contacting the Editor.
It is possible to subscribe to Italian newsletter <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.>.
Thanks to contributors on this issue: R. Alessandrini, P. Antes, L. Dani, Eva Spizzo, and Diaspora Service, Google Scholar service, Iclairs.
The Editor, Flavio Pajer: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. - Biblioteca per le Scienze Religiose, Corso Trapani, 25, I-10139 Torino, EU
EREnews, vol. XIII (2015) 2, 1-32, was closed and sent on 256/06/2015
Next issue: on September 2015